I went a little boardgame crazy this year. In December (OK, technically last year) I bought Arkham Horror for Anson for his birthday. It was expensive, but worth it not only because he's my oldest friend, but also because it has the most pieces of any game ever made. Then in May when we were in New York I bought Settlers of Catan for myself. We didn't play it for the first time until last weekend (that's more than three months later). Somehow, two vital pieces had gone missing by then, although I'd only opened the box once in NY, under strictly controlled conditions. (My suspect: Elizabeth Rose Larrison! How, when it was on a shelf way above her reach? Answer: she's a three year old! Why? Answer: she's a three year old!)
I really like games. I like them more in theory than in practice. This is evidenced by the numerous obscure role playing games on my bookshelf (Anyone remember Skyrealms of Jorune? Didn't think so.) that I never played. This thesis is further supported by the videogames I bought cheap from ebay and never played, or played very little. (Sorry, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.)
Even without the missing pieces, Settlers was awesome. It's complex at first, but the rules make so much sense that you only need to hear them once before they set into your mind. Amazingly, there's no conflict in the game. It's all about cooperative trading and development. Needless to say, Aaron, Barb, and I enjoyed it and can't wait to play it again.
Maybe in another three months.
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