I stumbled upon this picture, loved it, and set it as wallpaper on the laptop. The next day Barb sees it and says to me in the most casual tone of voice, "Who's that guy?" Not, "Holy shit, that's one gigantic cat!", but "Who's that guy?"
Troubletown, U.S.A.
I guess it makes a little more sense that Amazon secured James Bond when
you consider that one of the many, many, many things they have been allowed
to b...
Lice Dreams
Suzanne got lice... again. Why do these children get infested with lice so
often? I never get lice. Don't believe I ever did, even as a seven year
old. But...
Innovation and bike design at Oregon Manifest 2011
In late September 2011, I attended Oregon Manifest in northwest Portland. I
visited the opening night showcase, and was able to get a peek at most of
the e...
Zumba has a kitty friend to give his hand me downs too. At least until
Tim gwes bigger than him.
I finished advent tree and it just turned Nov. I have...
What a fatty?
Mom would have said: My god, look at that cat!
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