Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lessons of the Newborn, Pt. I

Newborns teach me how wonderful it is to have two upper extremities. Life becomes a deceptively challenging exercise when one of your limbs is occupied more-or-less constantly with cradling a beautiful, sleepy infant child.

Have you ever tried to wash your hand? Have you ever tried to type a blog entry one-handed?

Fun With Digital Photography

As someone who has been a pretty serious photographer since the mid-eighties*, I am often astonished to the point of laughter by how digital cameras have made the craft so ridiculously simple.

Which doesn't mean easy. In some ways, the plethora of choices can make digital photography tricky.

On Christmas day, Aaron encouraged me to use the black and white option on the camera. I never had before because I always figured I could convert any picture to B&W later if the mood struck me. But, as AWK rightly pointed out, you never do. So I snapped some virtual Pan-X and messed around with the color select feature and was pleased with the results.

*I remember reading in Popular Photography about the first commercial use of digital photography. It was a newspaper photographer snapping a 1.2 megapixel (I'm guessing here; but it looked like a PixelVision still) pic of a Mike Tyson fight and then submitting it over a payphone line while feeding dimes to the phone for 20 minutes. All so the paper would have art for their early edition a few hours ahead of the competition. But more, I guess, to be in the van of this inevitably transformative technology.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Video Solution

Last weekend I finally (with Barb's help) figured out how to shrink the widescreen videos my phone takes to fit in the rather narrow Blogger panel.

After uploading to YouTube, you change the dimensions of the video in the embed HTML code. I learned of this dead-simple solution through a Google search, naturally. Barb was enlisted to do the math necessary to maintain the correct aspect ratio.

The big winner here is Elizabethtown, where I post the majority of my phone videos.

Plus, it's always nice to solve one of life's many niggling little problems -- and this relieves one of the disappointments of the Droid X.

So, cool.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5