When Mark was here in Portland last year I exposed him to Aaron's and my Band Name Project. Over the course of a few years Aaron and I had come up with 700 band names. Mark started generating band names and then couldn't stop. One night of sleeplessness led to hundreds of names -- from great to not great. I'll try to dig up some examples, as I still have his notes somewhere.
Recently he got a forwarded email (not from me!) about a new word contest and his dynamo started spinning so fast it was throwing sparks and issuing smoke. With the following results (and more to come, no doubt):
1) Conflatulations (conflats, for short): saying
"nice one" or "good one" after someone breaks
2) Cereabral: having fruit loops for brains.
3) Constheorasy : a conspiracy theory.
4) Somerfaulting : making mistakes over and over agin.
5) Nutrilicious: both nutricious and delicious.
6) Sinistair: dangerous stairs.
7) Superfiscal: a minor money mistake.
8) Superspicious: suspicious for no real reason.
9) Regurgitaste: tasting like vomit. The taste of vomit.
The taste when you throw up a little in your mouth
while belching.
10) Terrorfied: scared of terror.
11) Hearesay: unsubstantiated testimony contrary to
church doctrine.
12) Hip-Slop: the fashion of Hip-Hop.
13) Vomic: a comic or comedian so bad they make you
14) Diaryhea: uncontrollable or non-stop journal
15) Dignifried: wasted (as on drugs or alcohol) and proud
of it.
16) Pursepiration: the immediate uncontrollable panic
reaction of one who thinks they have lost their purse
or wallet.
17) Asstorrhoid: a very large hemorrhoid.
18) Peniscuos: men who are unable to "keep it in their
19) Bladderuption: when you just CAN'T hold it any more.
20) Legalify: not quite the same as legalize.Claiming or
acting as if something illegal is legal. EXAMPLE:The
President can legalify anything using truthiness.